Harnessing AI and ChatGPT: The Future of Event Planning

Harnessing AI and ChatGPT: The Future of Event Planning

In the midst of the digital revolution, there are few industries untouched by the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI). One such beneficiary is the field of event planning, where AI-driven technologies like OpenAI's Chatbot model, ChatGPT, are not only streamlining operations but also enhancing the quality of events.

This is How You Draw Up a Smart Event Budget

This is How You Draw Up a Smart Event Budget

There are different systems that you can use as a basis for drawing up an event budget. Each has its own different avenue of approach and its own specific advantages and disadvantages. In this post we list the options for you.

How to Determine the Ticket Price for Your Event?

How to Determine the Ticket Price for Your Event?

If you are organising a paying event, the ticket price will be an important element in your business case. But setting the right ticket price and finding the best sales strategy can be a real challenge.

Free Event Panning Software

Free Event Panning Software

Think of all the tools you use when planning truly memorable events: mood boards, checklists, call sheets, … Now imagine having all those tools in one convenient place! eventplanner.net is proud to launch a new suite of digital event planning tools.

Your Event is Cancelled due to Coronavirus. What Now?

Your Event is Cancelled due to Coronavirus. What Now?

Whether you were planning a business event, conference, trade show, or wedding, governments are prohibiting events to stop the virus from spreading. What do you do now?

Face to Face Meetings Are More Effective

Face to Face Meetings Are More Effective

Want to generate creative ideas? Organize a face to face gathering. This is considerably more effective than a video conference or a telephone meeting.

'No More Exhibitions in Ten Years'

'No More Exhibitions in Ten Years'

If it were up to Generation X and Y exhibition are death. How can you best tune your event to their needs? You discover it in this trend report.